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Monday, April 7, 2014

Public Notice:  Intent to Apply for Extended Learning Programs Grants
-21st CCLC & LEAPS

The Lawrence County School System will submit an application to the Tennessee State Department of Education for a 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPS) competitive grants. Applicants awarded grants may receive three one-year grants, subject to semiannual attendance reporting and other reporting requirements.

If granted, funds will be used to establish and support before-  and/or after-  school programs at the following sites: 

Ingram Sowell Elementary School (CCLC), Lawrence County High School (LEAPS),
Loretto High School (LEAPS), and
Summertown High School (LEAPS).

The overall goal of both grants is to provide Tennessee students with academic enrichment opportunities that reinforce and complement the regular academic program.

Public input about the proposed grants may be made by contacting the Lawrence County Board of Education:  CCLC- Dr. Vicki Maddox, vmaddox@lcss.us
LEAPS-Robin Thompson, rthompson@lcss.us


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